Friday, June 29, 2007

06/29/07: Bong Hits 4 Jesus

What the hell is this whole pile of crap about? Some retard stands across the street from a school holding a sign that reads "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" and then SUES the school because the principal confiscates the sign? And the world erupts in protest over our First Amendment rights?

Give me a friggin' break!

Maybe that's part of the problem. What was the purpose of that sign? What was he trying to prove? Where the hell were his parents? The kid is promoting drugs with Jesus and, regardless of your religious affiliation across from a school, that is simply waving the red flag in front of the good coming out of the situation.

Why aren't the parents punishing the kid? Why are people outraged? Frankly, I'm outraged by the OUTRAGE. That is the most ignorant lawsuit. The family should be counter-sued for stupidity...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

06/28/07: Stupent Alert...

OK, so this chick in my Sales Management class is singing the blues because she's an A student and she earned a C- in my class. Her writing was worse than my 4th graders and she couldn't string two thoughts together if her life depended on it. In fact, one paper was so poorly written that I had to read it three times to recognize it AS a paper!

This time, I hunted down her two previous professors to find out the story as to why she received As. One comments that her writing stunk. My response? Then why did you give her an A?

"Oh, I didn't...I gave her an A-."

What the hell is that? An A- for an adult learner who doesn't use commas, uses Google search engine results as sources, and doesn't include page numbers (forget about the actual assignment!)? It's not the students who are's the friggin' instructors who fear being fired for giving the students...cough cough...the CUSTOMER the grade earned.