Tuesday, May 15, 2007

05/15/07: Computer Games and Kids

I'm so sick and tired of the mass of computer games on the Internet and listening to my kids beg/plead/promise the world for a subscription to them. Forget the fact that my neighbor's kid stole my 5 year old's Webkinz code and I'm having a helluva time getting it back. The world is too much stimulation with absolutely no loyalty.

Daughter MUST have Club Penguin one day...then is into Dragon Fables the next. Son is a Premier Member of Runescape at the tune of $6 a month (!!! that's $72 a year!!!) then cries when I cut him off. The withdrawal is too much and I almost give in but, when I realize that he only logged in twice a month...that got rather expensive and I stood my ground.

I swear it's because the TV provides 24x7x1000 channel stimulation to these kids. Gone are the days of waiting for Saturday morning cartoons or weekly kid programs on Sunday night. It's a world of instant gratification...